Sheep & Goat Services
We offer our expertise to assist with herd management, animal health, and productivity. Necropsy
Herd health is very important. If one of your small ruminants passed away and you are unsure why then give us a call. We will perform a necropsy and submit samples to the laboratory if needed to help determine a cause of death. Certificate of Veterinary Inspection
Are you going out of state to show your lamb or goat? Maybe you're just shipping a load across state lines. We are here to help make that process easier. We will inspect the livestock and then make sure all requirements are met based on their destination and then provide a CVI to allow you to legally transport the livestock across state lines. Farm Call & Emergencies
We are happy to come to your farm if needed to assist you with your small ruminant needs. We also offer 24/7 emergency services. Fecal Examination
Parasites are an important topic in small ruminants. Currently we are recommending to bring in a fecal sample to determine parasite burden and determine a FAMACHA score. Our veterinarians will then help develop a deworming plan for your herd. This will help reduce parasite resistance. |
Breeding Soundness Exams, Pregnancy Diagnosis (including ultrasound & blood testing), Lambing/Kidding Dystocias, etc. Surgery
Our veterinarians are skilled in performing different surgical procedures including but not limited to laceration repairs, cosmetic dehorns, cesarean sections, rectal prolapses, vaginal/cervical prolapses, etc. Medication
We carry various medications needed to help treat our small ruminant patients! Laboratory Testing
Our in house laboratory offers bloodwork that includes running a Complete Blood Count and Chemistry (including calcium and magnesium). We also offer sending off samples for testing at outside labs for further diagnostics. Hospitalization
Our large animal facilities allow us to hospitalize patients to provide monitoring and specialized treatments to sick or injured small ruminants. |